You can buy Mosser Lee ML1122 Pearl Stone Soil Cover, 5 lb. now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $5.26
Mosser Lee ML1122 Pearl Stone Soil Cover, 5 lb. Photo
$5.26 You can buy now!
Mosser Lee ML1122 Pearl Stone Soil Cover, 5 lb. characteristics and description, review:
Covers soil of indoor and container plants.
Improves water drainage from soil when used to line the bottom of pots and containers.
Suitable for terrariums, aquariums, and dish gardens.
Use in Craft and decorative projects.
Pearl stone soil cover
Add a final touch of beauty and protection to all potted plants terrariums and indoor gardens
Protects soil and retains moisture
Adds color texture and variety to house plants
This product contents 1.5 quarts
You can buy Mosser Lee ML1122 Pearl Stone Soil Cover, 5 lb. now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $5.26
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