catalog | Cucumbers seeds | Cucumber Seeds for Planting Outdoors, 210 Straight Eight Cucumber Seeds, Thicker Cucumbers Than with Persian Cucumber Seeds, 6.3 Grams
You can buy Cucumber Seeds for Planting Outdoors, 210 Straight Eight Cucumber Seeds, Thicker Cucumbers Than with Persian Cucumber Seeds, 6.3 Grams now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $6.97
Cucumber Seeds for Planting Outdoors, 210 Straight Eight Cucumber Seeds, Thicker Cucumbers Than with Persian Cucumber Seeds, 6.3 Grams Photo
$6.97 You can buy now!
Cucumber Seeds for Planting Outdoors, 210 Straight Eight Cucumber Seeds, Thicker Cucumbers Than with Persian Cucumber Seeds, 6.3 Grams characteristics and description, review:
Straight Eight Cucumber plants produce a delicious slicing cucumber. They are best when picked at 8 inches in length and give you a bright cucumber taste.
Includes 6.3 grams by weight or approximately 210 cucumber seeds for planting outdoors with very high germination rates. This are enough seeds for most people to plant for 2 to 3 years.
Sow the cucumber seeds in rows 6 inches apart in full sun. These cucumber plants are best grown on a fence or a trellis.
Be sure to check out our storefront where we offer several garden seed variety packs.
We are a veteran owned small family business and without happy customers, we wouldn't be in business. If there is an issue, it is our promise to make it right.
You can buy Cucumber Seeds for Planting Outdoors, 210 Straight Eight Cucumber Seeds, Thicker Cucumbers Than with Persian Cucumber Seeds, 6.3 Grams now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $6.97
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$6.97 Cucumber Seeds for Planting Outdoors, 210 Straight Eight Cucumber Seeds, Thicker Cucumbers Than with Persian Cucumber Seeds, 6.3 Grams
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