ADDED FLOWERING AGENT TO YOUR REGIME: Flowering boosters are particularly important in hydroponic and agricultural industries. Thousands of growers use Flower Stacker as an additional flowering agent to maximize their yields by harnessing the power of our clean-running formula.
PREMIUM INGREDIENTS: Our Humboldts Secret Flower Stacker is made with quality ingredients to ensure the development of your flowers. Perfectly suited for potting soil for indoor plants!
CONTAINS VITAMIN B1: Vitamin B1 has been touted as a cure-all for transplant shock. Labels typically claim that B1 supports conditions for better plant establishment and growth in a wide range of plants.
HIGH AMOUNTS OF PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM: Application of phosphorus and potassium during the flower development phase improves soil/foliar nutrient conditions for better crop yields.
INCREASE YIELDS: Flower Stacker is a flowering additive designed to help your plants natural ability to increase yield and flower density. It’s an ideal nutrient solution for potting soil for indoor plants and outdoor plants.
You can buy Humboldts Secret Flower Stacker – Flowering Plant Food - 1 Quart now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $31.97
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