catalog | fertilizer lawn | PetraTools Liquid Nitrogen Fertilizer, 28-0-0 High Liquid Nitrogen Spray For All Grass Types, Liquid Lawn NPK Fertilizer Concentrate For Max Green Grass, Liquid Fertilizer for Lawns & Plant Food (32 Oz)
You can buy PetraTools Liquid Nitrogen Fertilizer, 28-0-0 High Liquid Nitrogen Spray For All Grass Types, Liquid Lawn NPK Fertilizer Concentrate For Max Green Grass, Liquid Fertilizer for Lawns & Plant Food (32 Oz) now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $27.99
PetraTools Liquid Nitrogen Fertilizer, 28-0-0 High Liquid Nitrogen Spray For All Grass Types, Liquid Lawn NPK Fertilizer Concentrate For Max Green Grass, Liquid Fertilizer for Lawns & Plant Food (32 Oz) Photo
$27.99 You can buy now!
PetraTools Liquid Nitrogen Fertilizer, 28-0-0 High Liquid Nitrogen Spray For All Grass Types, Liquid Lawn NPK Fertilizer Concentrate For Max Green Grass, Liquid Fertilizer for Lawns & Plant Food (32 Oz) characteristics and description, review:
ULTIMATE LIQUID NITROGEN FERTILIZER: This liquid lawn food supplement has an ultra-high nitrogen formula to promote green grass and quick growth. Easily turn yellow & nitrogen deficient grass into a lush thick green!
28-0-0 QUICK & SLOW RELEASE TECHNOLOGY: This 2-in-1 liquid lawn fertilizer formula provides 70% quick-release nitrogen for rapid green and growth and 30% slow-release nitrogen for ongoing growth between applications.Get the best of both worlds in 1 easy application.
WORKS WITH ALL GRASS TYPES: Whether you have warm- or cold-season grass, this is the perfect liquid grass food for quick green-up. It's super-effective in making your lawn green and to achieve consistent growth. Ideal for both new and old lawns.
Apply Nitrogen to Your Lawn Quickly: PetraTools created our NPK lawn booster to be simple and easy to use. Mix 5oz of liquid nitrogen per gallon of water for maintenance or 10 oz per gallon to correct nitrogen levels. Treats up to 12,800 Sq. Ft. for maintenance or 6,400 Sq. Ft. of nitrogen deficient grass. For best results, use a PetraTools sprayer to evenly spray mixture across lawn.
American Family-Owned Company & USA Support: PetraTools is a USA-based company located in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. All PetraTools products have a 100% satisfaction guarantee and excellent USA customer service members waiting by the phones to answer any questions you may have. PetraTools continues to work hard to deliver top-quality sprayers & solutions to keep your home, lawn, and places of business clean, green, and safe.
You can buy PetraTools Liquid Nitrogen Fertilizer, 28-0-0 High Liquid Nitrogen Spray For All Grass Types, Liquid Lawn NPK Fertilizer Concentrate For Max Green Grass, Liquid Fertilizer for Lawns & Plant Food (32 Oz) now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $27.99
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