catalog | fertilizer shrub | Nelson Trees and Shrubs Evergreens Plant Food In Ground Container Patio Grown Granular Fertilizer NutriStar 21-6-8 (4 lb)
You can buy Nelson Trees and Shrubs Evergreens Plant Food In Ground Container Patio Grown Granular Fertilizer NutriStar 21-6-8 (4 lb) now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $31.21
Nelson Trees and Shrubs Evergreens Plant Food In Ground Container Patio Grown Granular Fertilizer NutriStar 21-6-8 (4 lb) Photo
$31.21 You can buy now!
Nelson Trees and Shrubs Evergreens Plant Food In Ground Container Patio Grown Granular Fertilizer NutriStar 21-6-8 (4 lb) characteristics and description, review:
PLANT FOOD: Plant Food For Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens featuring Nitrogen (21%), Phosphate (6%), Soluble Potash (8%). Contains five nitrogen sources to insure a constant feed. Important micronutrients allow plants to active maximum health.
TREE AND SHRUB FERTILIZER: Excellent source of nutrients and minerals for in ground and container grown trees, shrubs, evergreens including but not limited to: Oak, Willow, Ash, Maple, Pine, Mulberry, Yaupon, Oleander, Viburnum, Boxwood, Cleyera, Spirea, Ground Covers, Hollies, Nandina, Loropetalumns.
PATIO INDOOR OUTDOOR PLANT FERTILIZER: Helps promote more beautiful and lash green foliage growth due to balance nutrition.
IMMEDIATE RESULTS: NutriStar works with the soil and the soil biology to provide your plants with the best nutrition at the right time and in the right amount. Your plant gets an immediate boost upon application, coupled with lasting benefits that continue to feed.
SUPERIOR QUALITY: The leading landscapers’ choice for plants for over 30 years. Nelson Plant Food builds products that are horticulturally correct for each type of plant. Extensive research is done to make sure that plants are fed correctly with each NutriStar or ColorStar product.
You can buy Nelson Trees and Shrubs Evergreens Plant Food In Ground Container Patio Grown Granular Fertilizer NutriStar 21-6-8 (4 lb) now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $31.21
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