Easy-to-use fertilizer for all indoor plants including ferns, spider plants, pothos, and croton
Houseplant fertilizer spikes feed continuously for up to 2 months
When used as directed, plant food spikes are safe to use on all indoor, potted plants
Plant food spikes are filled with the micronutrients that indoor plants need
Indoor plant care made simple; enjoy vibrant potted plants in your home, office or business
You can buy Miracle-Gro Indoor Plant Food Spikes, Plant Fertilizer, 1.1 oz., 24 Spikes/Pack (24-Pack) now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $47.10
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$36.50 Ross 14666 36 Pack Tree & Shrub Fertilizer Root Feeder Refills - Quantity 3
$56.95 ($1.19 / oz) Keyfit Tools Tree Fertilizer Spike Land Staker 2.0 Get Your Fertilizer Spikes 1 Foot Deeper for Deep Root Tree & Shrub Fertilizing ~Or use Your own granular Fertilizer Does NOT Come with fert Spikes
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$64.60 Pro Trust Products 71255 Plant 15.6-Number 21-5-12 Tree and Shrub Prof Fertilizer
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$88.75 Agriform 20-10-5 Slow Release Fertilizer Tablets (500 x 21g)
$25.22 fertilome Tree And Shrub Fertilizer
$29.85 Jobe’s Organics Rose Fertilizer Spikes, 3-5-3 Time Release Fertilizer for All Flowering Shrubs, 10 Spikes per Package (2, Original Version)
$39.88 The Andersons PGF Balanced 10-10-10 Fertilizer with Micronutrients and 2% Iron (5,000 sq ft)
$39.99 Generic Miracle-Gro LiquaFeed All Purpose Plant Food Advance Starter Kit and Flowering Trees & Shrubs Plant Food Bundle: Feeding as Easy as Watering
$17.48 BioAdvanced 701250 Disease Control for Roses, Flowers and Shrubs Garden Fungicide, 32-Ounce, Concentrate
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