catalog | fertilizer vegetable | General Hydroponics GH1673 Flora Duo A for Gardening, 1-Gallon fertilizers, 1 Gallon, Natural
You can buy General Hydroponics GH1673 Flora Duo A for Gardening, 1-Gallon fertilizers, 1 Gallon, Natural now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $34.00
General Hydroponics GH1673 Flora Duo A for Gardening, 1-Gallon fertilizers, 1 Gallon, Natural Photo
$34.00 You can buy now!
General Hydroponics GH1673 Flora Duo A for Gardening, 1-Gallon fertilizers, 1 Gallon, Natural characteristics and description, review:
FloraDuo is a two-part mineral nutrient, FloraDuo A (formerly Grow) and FloraDuo B (formerly Bloom)
It can be used for all plants and all gardening methods including hydroponics, potted plants in prepared soil mixes, coco blends and garden soils
The ratios of primary, secondary and micronutrients all change with different blends; each tailored to meet specialized plant needs
Not sold in OR
You can buy General Hydroponics GH1673 Flora Duo A for Gardening, 1-Gallon fertilizers, 1 Gallon, Natural now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $34.00
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