catalog | fertilizer vegetable | Espoma Garden-tone 3-4-4 Natural & Organic Herb & Vegetable Plant Food; 36 lb. Bag
You can buy Espoma Garden-tone 3-4-4 Natural & Organic Herb & Vegetable Plant Food; 36 lb. Bag now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $44.98
Espoma Garden-tone 3-4-4 Natural & Organic Herb & Vegetable Plant Food; 36 lb. Bag Photo
$44.98 You can buy now!
Espoma Garden-tone 3-4-4 Natural & Organic Herb & Vegetable Plant Food; 36 lb. Bag characteristics and description, review:
An all natural and organic plant food approved for organic gardening
It is perfect for all vegetables and provides a safe & continuous feeding
Environmentally safe - No sludges or toxic ingredients
3-4-4 Fertilizer analysis
Ready to use – no mixing
Made in the USA
You can buy Espoma Garden-tone 3-4-4 Natural & Organic Herb & Vegetable Plant Food; 36 lb. Bag now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $44.98
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