catalog | fertilizer vegetable | AgroThrive All Purpose Organic Liquid Fertilizer - 3-3-2 NPK (ATGP1128) (1 Gal) for Lawns, Vegetables, Greenhouses, Herbs and Everything Else that Grows
You can buy AgroThrive All Purpose Organic Liquid Fertilizer - 3-3-2 NPK (ATGP1128) (1 Gal) for Lawns, Vegetables, Greenhouses, Herbs and Everything Else that Grows now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $29.50 ($0.23 / Ounce)
AgroThrive All Purpose Organic Liquid Fertilizer - 3-3-2 NPK (ATGP1128) (1 Gal) for Lawns, Vegetables, Greenhouses, Herbs and Everything Else that Grows Photo
$29.50 ($0.23 / Ounce) You can buy now!
AgroThrive All Purpose Organic Liquid Fertilizer - 3-3-2 NPK (ATGP1128) (1 Gal) for Lawns, Vegetables, Greenhouses, Herbs and Everything Else that Grows characteristics and description, review:
Organic results in less than 1 week
OMRI, CDFA and WSDA listed for organic gardening; No synthetic chemicals EVER
3-3-2 NPK General Purpose liquid organic fertilizer; Formulated for lawns, vegetables, greenhouses, herbs and everything else that grows; Derived from organic fish and grain
Produced by The Progressive Digestion Process which breaks down all organic ingredients down to a simple molecular structure plants can quickly absorb
Activates indigenous micro-flora in soil and helps nutrient release; release speed: 70% fast-release, 30% slow-release
Promotes vigorous root and foliar growth and improves plant disease resistance
Convenient liquid concentrate in a bottle; Just mix 2oz – 4oz with 1 gallon of water and apply to soil
You can buy AgroThrive All Purpose Organic Liquid Fertilizer - 3-3-2 NPK (ATGP1128) (1 Gal) for Lawns, Vegetables, Greenhouses, Herbs and Everything Else that Grows now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $29.50 ($0.23 / Ounce)
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