catalog | Grapes seeds | Pixies Gardens Scuppernong Muscadine Grape Vine Shrub Live Fruit Plant (1 Gallon Potted)
You can buy Pixies Gardens Scuppernong Muscadine Grape Vine Shrub Live Fruit Plant (1 Gallon Potted) now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $59.99
Pixies Gardens Scuppernong Muscadine Grape Vine Shrub Live Fruit Plant (1 Gallon Potted) Photo
$59.99 You can buy now!
Pixies Gardens Scuppernong Muscadine Grape Vine Shrub Live Fruit Plant (1 Gallon Potted) characteristics and description, review:
Bronze; fruit are medium in size, excellent flavor
Vigorous, with fair to good disease resistance
Hardy in zone 6-10 Needs a pollinator, You must have self-fertile varieties planted intermittently to produce
Sugar Content 17%-18%. Uses: Wine, Fresh Market, Juice, and Jelly
We cannot ship certain plants and some sizes to California due to restrictions placed by the California Department of Agriculture. Plant may be shipped in smaller bags or semi bareroot
You can buy Pixies Gardens Scuppernong Muscadine Grape Vine Shrub Live Fruit Plant (1 Gallon Potted) now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $59.99
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$9.09 ($0.09 / Count) Wine Grape Vine Seeds for Planting - 100+ Seeds - Ships from Iowa, USA