catalog | Radish seeds | Sow Right Seeds - Driller Daikon Radish Seed for Planting - Cover Crops to Plant in Your Home Vegetable Garden - Enriches Soil - Suppresses Weeds - Non-GMO Heirloom Seeds - A Great Gardening Gift
You can buy Sow Right Seeds - Driller Daikon Radish Seed for Planting - Cover Crops to Plant in Your Home Vegetable Garden - Enriches Soil - Suppresses Weeds - Non-GMO Heirloom Seeds - A Great Gardening Gift now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $4.99
Sow Right Seeds - Driller Daikon Radish Seed for Planting - Cover Crops to Plant in Your Home Vegetable Garden - Enriches Soil - Suppresses Weeds - Non-GMO Heirloom Seeds - A Great Gardening Gift Photo
$4.99 You can buy now!
Sow Right Seeds - Driller Daikon Radish Seed for Planting - Cover Crops to Plant in Your Home Vegetable Garden - Enriches Soil - Suppresses Weeds - Non-GMO Heirloom Seeds - A Great Gardening Gift characteristics and description, review:
Cover Crop -- Large premium packet of Driller Daikon Radish seeds. Winter-hardy and drought-tolerant cover crops can help cover the soil of your home garden beds during the off season. We've included enough seed in one packet to cover an 8' x 4' garden bed. Minimum of 10 g per packet.
Soil Health -- Driller Daikon is a tillage radish that cultivates and breaks up compact soil. Its taproots are extremely long, reaching 10-20" deep into the soil. These taproots gather and store nutrients that enrich the soil as they decompose. 2-3' wide leaves cover soil surface, keeping it mulched and weed free.
For the Home Gardener -- Improving soil health through cover crop planting is an easy and low cost way of maintaining your garden from year to year.
Easy to Grow -- Instructions included on each packet with additional growing tips on our “Sow Successful” Blog. Plus, we are available to answer all your questions. If these seeds don’t germinate, we will happily make it right for you.
Safe and Sustainable -- Our operation is fully solar powered, and Sow Right Seeds has taken the Safe Seed Pledge to sell only fresh Non-GMO heirloom seeds for you and your family.
You can buy Sow Right Seeds - Driller Daikon Radish Seed for Planting - Cover Crops to Plant in Your Home Vegetable Garden - Enriches Soil - Suppresses Weeds - Non-GMO Heirloom Seeds - A Great Gardening Gift now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $4.99
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