You can buy Proven Winner Miss Molly Buddleia 2 Gal, Pink and Red Blooms now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, best price $42.98, Photo and review

You can buy Proven Winner Miss Molly Buddleia 2 Gal, Pink and Red Blooms now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $42.98

You can buy Proven Winner Miss Molly Buddleia 2 Gal, Pink and Red Blooms now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review and Photo, best price $42.98

Proven Winner Miss Molly Buddleia 2 Gal, Pink and Red Blooms Photo

$42.98 You can buy now!

Proven Winner Miss Molly Buddleia 2 Gal, Pink and Red Blooms characteristics and description, review:

  • Pink and red blooms; attracts butterflies, and hummingbirds
  • USDA zones 5-9
  • Plant will ship dormant if ordered mid-fall to mid-spring
  • Deciduous - loses its leaves during the winter months
  • Water twice per week until established, then water once per week
  • Sunlight Exposure: Full Sun
  • Expected Blooming Period: Spring To Summer
  • Seasons: Autumn

You can buy Proven Winner Miss Molly Buddleia 2 Gal, Pink and Red Blooms now, new 2025-2024 bestseller, review, best price $42.98

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