comprar Luffy Nano Betta Balls, 0.4-inches, Live Round-Shaped Marimo Plant, 5-Pieces ahora, nuevo 2025-2024 éxito de ventas, mejor precio 8,95 €, Foto y revisión
catálogo | plantas de acuario | Luffy Nano Betta Balls, 0.4-inches, Live Round-Shaped Marimo Plant, 5-Pieces
comprar Luffy Nano Betta Balls, 0.4-inches, Live Round-Shaped Marimo Plant, 5-Pieces ahora, nuevo 2025-2024 éxito de ventas, revisión, mejor precio 8,95 €
Luffy Nano Betta Balls, 0.4-inches, Live Round-Shaped Marimo Plant, 5-Pieces características y descripción, revisión:
✔ SMALL AND PRETTY ADDITION TO YOUR BETTA TANK --- These LUFFY Betta Balls are beautiful marimos that are a great addition for your betta’s tank. They are mini-sized, between 0.4 and 0.6 inches, and add color to your tank.
✔ PROVIDES YOUR FISH WITH ESSENTIAL OXYGEN --- Just like humans, fish need oxygen to survive. As they do not have lungs, fish use their gills to breathe. Just like other live plants, the small Betta Balls from Luffy sustain the aquatic species with supplemental oxygen.
✔ TOY FOR YOUR BETTA --- Bettas love to move stuff around and LUFFY Betta Balls make the perfect toys for your watery pet. Therefore, not only do they help to keep your betta’s entertained.
✔ ADDS TO THE AESTHETIC BEAUTY --- We believe in selling genuine marimo moss balls, expect to receive regular/irregular shaped moss balls which are not always in deep green color. Undoubtedly, the marimo moss balls add to the aesthetic beauty of the aquarium.
✔ PRACTICAL PLANT FOR HOME DECOR --- Since these marimo moss balls are so easy to maintain and are highly attractive, they make a great addition to handmade and DIY home decor and gifts. Anything from a classy wine glass to a decorative fish bowl, as long as it can hold a little bit of water, can be used to create a pretty piece of living art. Add some colorful river stones or crystals to match the style of any home or office decor.
comprar Luffy Nano Betta Balls, 0.4-inches, Live Round-Shaped Marimo Plant, 5-Pieces ahora, nuevo 2025-2024 éxito de ventas, revisión, mejor precio 8,95 €
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