17 Garden Flowers

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Mignonette Seward, Reseda odorata

Chinese foxglove

Featherleaf Rodgersia, Rodgers Flower

Red Star, Rosy Posy

German Chamomile, Scented Mayweed


Scarlet Sage, Scarlet Salvia, Red Sage, Red Salvia

Clary Sage, Painted Sage, Horminum Sage

Painted Tongue

Safflower, False Saffron, American Saffron, Dyer's Saffron

Cup Plant. Rosinweed

Ring Bellflower


Jacob's Ladder

Purple Viper's Bugloss, Salvation Jane, Paterson's Curse, Riverina Bluebell

Stout Blue-eyed Grass, Blue eye-grass

Yellow Hawkweed

Pink Hawk's Beard, Hawksbeard
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