Search: Ornamental Plants
 Spartina, Prairie Cord Grass
 Ostrich Fern, Garden Fern, Shuttlecock Fern
 Parrot Feather, Parrotfeather Water Milfoil
 Water plantain
 Whorled, Water Pennywort, Dollarweed, Manyflower Marsh Pennywort
 Anacharis, Canadian Elodea, American Waterweed, Oxygen Weed
 Spike Rush
 Siberian Bugloss, False Forget-Me-Not, Perennial Forget-Me-Not
 Broadleaf Cattail, Bulrush, Cossack Asparagus, Flags, Reed Mace, Dwarf Cattail, Graceful Cattail
 Fiber Optic Grass, Salt Marsh Bulrush
 Chameleon plant
 Common Reed
 The true Bulrush
 Tufted Hairgrass (Golden Hairgrass)
 Bishop's Weed, Goutweed, Ground Elder
 Dinosaur Food, Poor Man's Parasol
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