Egenskaber Kardinal Blomst, Mexicanske Lobelia. Ly om vinteren kræver opbevaringsrum. Blomst størrelse lille. Duftende blomster ingen duft. Kolde hårdførhed zone 5 (-29 til -23°c), 6 (-23 til -18°c), 7 (-18 til -12°c), 8 (-12 til -7°c), 9 (-7 til -1°c), 10 (-1 til +4°c). Plantens højde (cm) 70-100 cm. Dyrkningsmetode ikke kimplanter. Blomst farve rød. Landskab brug blomsterbed, prøve, border. Type stamceller oprejst. Timingen af blomstring august, juli, juni. Dele af planten er giftige. Vandbehov moderat, høj. Livstid staude. Lys behov fuld sol. Frostbestandighed. Neutral jord. Sandet lerjord, lerjord.
2,19 € (0,27 € / stück)
1,86 €
20,88 € (20,88 € / kg)
2,95 €
18,95 €
2,01 €
14,21 €
9,90 € (9,90 € / count)
6,98 €
6,35 € (1,06 € / stück)
1,99 € (0,01 € / stück)
9,95 € (0,66 € / stück)
$7.97 ($0.00 / Count) Wildflower Seeds Butterfly and Humming Bird Mix - Large 1 Ounce Packet 7,500+ Seeds - 23 Open Pollinated Annual and Perennial Species
$8.99 ($8.99 / Count) Seed Needs, 300 Large Mammoth Grey Stripe Sunflower Seeds For Planting (Helianthus annuus) These Sun Flowers are Perfect for the Garden, Attracts Birds, Bees and Butterflies! BULK
$13.19 ($0.69 / Count) Package of 80,000 Wildflower Seeds - Save The Bees Wild Flower Seeds Collection - 19 Varieties of Pure Non-GMO Flower Seeds for Planting Including Milkweed, Poppy, and Lupine
$23.52 Costa Farms Peace Lily, Spathiphyllum, Live Indoor Plant, in White Cylinder Pot, 15-Inch, Great Gift
$7.97 ($0.16 / Count) Red Roselle Seeds (Hibiscus sabdariffa) Packet of 50 Seeds