Egenskaber saftige Glottiphyllum. Blomst farve gul. Anlægstyper saftige. Stigende kompleksitet fordringsløs. Timingen af blomstring efteråret, forår. Plantehøjde (cm) lavere 30 cm. Plante farve sølvfarvede, lysegrøn. Placeringen af kaktus eller saftige syd vindue. Lys behov fuld sol. Hyppigheden af vanding moderat. Luftfugtighed tør. Form for saftige eller kaktus branchy.
8,95 €
12,99 € (2,60 € / stück)
3,45 € (13,80 € / l)
8,49 € (4,24 € / kg)
2,09 € (69,67 € / l)
14,99 € (119,92 € / KG)
2,79 €
34,95 € (1,75 € / stück)
5,49 € (1,37 € / l)
12,99 € (2,60 € / l)
12,19 €
4,95 € (24,75 € / l)
$14.97 Succulent and Cactus Plant Food by Home + Tree - Every Bottle Sold Plants A Tree
$15.99 Succulent Fertilizer | Formulated Succulent Food for Potted Indoor Succulents and Cactus | Plant Food for Succulent Soil in Pots | by Aquatic Arts
$9.29 Green Green Plant Food (36ml Bottles, Pack of 10)
$10.69 Scotts Liquid Turf Builder with Plus 2 Weed Control Fertilizer, 32 fl. oz. - Weed and Feed - Kills Dandelions, Clover and Other Listed Lawn Weeds - Covers up to 6,000 sq. ft.