7 Aquarium Fishes Striped Photo and characteristics - silversonya.com

Aquarium Fishes Striped Photo and characteristics

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Purple Emperor Tetra Photo and characteristics
Photo Purple Emperor Tetra
Purple Emperor Tetra Aquarium Fishes characteristics
body shape of fish: Elongated
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
temperament: Active
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble
light needs: Moderate
care level: Moderate
type of aquarium: Close
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
color of fish: Striped
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Tetras
temperature of water: Near 25°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Top Layer, Middle Layer
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Barilius dogarsinghi Photo and characteristics
Photo Barilius dogarsinghi
Barilius dogarsinghi Aquarium Fishes characteristics
body shape of fish: Elongated
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
temperament: Active
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
light needs: Moderate
care level: Moderate
type of aquarium: Close
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Striped
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Carps and Barbs
temperature of water: Near 25°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Top Layer
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Aphyolebias Photo and characteristics
Photo Aphyolebias
Aphyolebias Aquarium Fishes characteristics
body shape of fish: Subulate
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 20 Liters
temperament: Calm
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble
light needs: Moderate
care level: Easy
type of aquarium: Close
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Striped
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Pupfish
temperature of water: Near 20°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Top Layer, Middle Layer
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Pseudepiplatys annulatus Photo and characteristics
Photo Pseudepiplatys annulatus
Pseudepiplatys annulatus Aquarium Fishes characteristics
body shape of fish: Elongated
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 20 Liters
temperament: Calm
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
light needs: Moderate
care level: Easy
type of aquarium: Close
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
color of fish: Striped
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Pupfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Top Layer
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Panda Garra Photo and characteristics
Photo Panda Garra
Panda Garra Aquarium Fishes characteristics
body shape of fish: Elongated
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
temperament: Calm
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
light needs: Scattered
care level: Easy
type of aquarium: Close, Open
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
color of fish: Striped
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Carps and Barbs
temperature of water: Near 25°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer
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Threadfin Rainbowfish Photo and characteristics
Photo Threadfin Rainbowfish
Threadfin Rainbowfish characteristics
body shape of fish: Elongated
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 20 Liters
temperament: Calm
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
light needs: Moderate
care level: Easy
type of aquarium: Close
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
color of fish: Striped
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Rainbowfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Top Layer
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Striped Goby Cichlid Photo and characteristics
Photo Striped Goby Cichlid
Striped Goby Cichlid Aquarium Fishes characteristics
body shape of fish: Elongated
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
temperament: Aggressive
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand
light needs: Scattered
care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
type of aquarium: Close
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Striped
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Cichlids
temperature of water: Near 25°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
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Elongatus Photo and characteristics
Photo Elongatus
Elongatus Aquarium Fishes characteristics
body shape of fish: Elongated
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
temperament: Aggressive
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
light needs: Scattered
care level: Easy
type of aquarium: Close
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
color of fish: Striped
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Cichlids
temperature of water: Near 25°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
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Pseudotropheus lombardoi Photo and characteristics
Photo Pseudotropheus lombardoi
Pseudotropheus lombardoi Aquarium Fishes characteristics
body shape of fish: Oval
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
temperament: Aggressive
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
light needs: Scattered
care level: Easy
type of aquarium: Close
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
color of fish: Yellow, Striped, Light Blue
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Cichlids
temperature of water: Near 25°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
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Maingano Cichlid Photo and characteristics
Photo Maingano Cichlid
Maingano Cichlid Aquarium Fishes characteristics
body shape of fish: Elongated
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 200 Liters
temperament: Aggressive
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
light needs: Scattered
care level: Easy
type of aquarium: Close
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Striped
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Cichlids
temperature of water: Near 25°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer, Middle Layer
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Johanni Cichlid Photo and characteristics
Photo Johanni Cichlid
Johanni Cichlid Aquarium Fishes characteristics
body shape of fish: Elongated
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
temperament: Aggressive
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble
light needs: Scattered
care level: Easy
type of aquarium: Close
length of fish: 10-20 Cm
color of fish: Blue, Yellow, Striped
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Cichlids
temperature of water: Near 25°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Bottom Layer
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Brachyrhaphis Photo and characteristics
Photo Brachyrhaphis
Brachyrhaphis Aquarium Fishes characteristics
body shape of fish: Elongated
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
temperament: Active
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble
light needs: Moderate
care level: Moderate
type of aquarium: Close
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
color of fish: Striped, Pink
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Live-bearing fish (guppy, molly, platy, and swordtail)
temperature of water: Near 25°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer
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Heterandria Photo and characteristics
Photo Heterandria
Heterandria Aquarium Fishes characteristics
body shape of fish: Elongated
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
temperament: Calm
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble
light needs: Scattered
care level: Easy
type of aquarium: Close
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
color of fish: Silver, Striped
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Live-bearing fish (guppy, molly, platy, and swordtail)
temperature of water: Near 25°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Top Layer, Middle Layer
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Neoheterandria Photo and characteristics
Photo Neoheterandria
Neoheterandria Aquarium Fishes characteristics
body shape of fish: Elongated
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Lower 20L
temperament: Calm
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
light needs: Moderate
care level: Easy
type of aquarium: Close
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
color of fish: Striped, Motley
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Live-bearing fish (guppy, molly, platy, and swordtail)
temperature of water: Near 25°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Top Layer
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Xiphophorus mayae Photo and characteristics
Photo Xiphophorus mayae
Xiphophorus mayae Aquarium Fishes characteristics
body shape of fish: Elongated
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 100 Liters
temperament: Aggressive
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
light needs: Moderate
care level: Moderate
type of aquarium: Close
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Striped
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Live-bearing fish (guppy, molly, platy, and swordtail)
temperature of water: Near 25°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer
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Mexican swordtail, Montezuma swordtail Photo and characteristics
Photo Mexican swordtail, Montezuma swordtail
Mexican swordtail, Montezuma swordtail Aquarium Fishes characteristics
body shape of fish: Elongated
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
temperament: Aggressive
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
light needs: Moderate
care level: Moderate
type of aquarium: Close
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
color of fish: Striped
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Live-bearing fish (guppy, molly, platy, and swordtail)
temperature of water: Near 25°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Top Layer
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Yellow swordtail Photo and characteristics
Photo Yellow swordtail
Yellow swordtail Aquarium Fishes characteristics
body shape of fish: Elongated
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 20 Liters
temperament: Active
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
light needs: Moderate
care level: Moderate
type of aquarium: Close, Open
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
color of fish: Striped
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Live-bearing fish (guppy, molly, platy, and swordtail)
temperature of water: Near 25°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Top Layer
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Cortez s Swordtail Photo and characteristics
Photo Cortez s Swordtail
Cortez s Swordtail Aquarium Fishes characteristics
body shape of fish: Elongated
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 20 Liters
temperament: Active
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
light needs: Moderate
care level: Moderate
type of aquarium: Close, Open
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
color of fish: Striped
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Live-bearing fish (guppy, molly, platy, and swordtail)
temperature of water: Near 25°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Top Layer
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Diamond Killifish Photo and characteristics
Photo Diamond Killifish
Diamond Killifish characteristics
body shape of fish: Oval
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
temperament: Active
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
light needs: Moderate
care level: Moderate
type of aquarium: Close
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Striped
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Pupfish
temperature of water: 27-28°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Middle Layer, Top Layer
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Aphanius Photo and characteristics
Photo Aphanius
Aphanius Aquarium Fishes characteristics
body shape of fish: Elongated
compatibility: With Large Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
temperament: Aggressive
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble
light needs: Muted
care level: Moderate
type of aquarium: Close
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
color of fish: Motley, Striped, Spotted, Blue
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Pupfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Top Layer, Middle Layer
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Aphyosemion Photo and characteristics
Photo Aphyosemion
Aphyosemion Aquarium Fishes characteristics
body shape of fish: Elongated
compatibility: With Small Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
temperament: Calm
bottom type in the aquarium: Coarse Sand, Pebble
light needs: Muted
care level: Moderate
type of aquarium: Close
length of fish: 5-10 Cm
color of fish: Light Blue, Striped, Spotted, Red
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Pupfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Top Layer, Middle Layer, Bottom Layer
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Austrolebias alexandri Photo and characteristics
Photo Austrolebias alexandri
Austrolebias alexandri Aquarium Fishes characteristics
body shape of fish: Oval
compatibility: With Any Peaceful Fish
minimum aquarium size: Not Less Than 50 Liters
temperament: Active
bottom type in the aquarium: Pebble, Coarse Sand
light needs: Scattered
care level: Moderate
type of aquarium: Close, Open
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
color of fish: Striped
habitat: Freshwater Fish
family: Pupfish
temperature of water: Near 25°C
layers of habitat in the aquarium: Bottom Layer
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Aquarium Fishes Striped Photo and characteristics

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