Aquarium Fish Quintana atrizona Photo, care and characteristics, description and growing -

Aquarium Fish Quintana atrizona (Gold) care, characteristics and Photo

Aquarium Fish Quintana atrizona  Photo; Gold

Aquarium Fish Quintana atrizona care, characteristics and Photo

care and growing:

care levelModerate
light needsModerate
layers of habitat in the aquariumMiddle Layer, Top Layer
compatibilityWith Small Peaceful Fish
type of aquariumClose
temperature of waterNear 25°C
minimum aquarium sizeNot Less Than 50 Liters
bottom type in the aquariumPebble, Coarse Sand

Quintana atrizona characteristics and description:

familyLive-bearing fish (guppy, molly, platy, and swordtail)
body shape of fishElongated
color of fishGold
habitatFreshwater Fish
length of fishUp To 5 Cm

You can buy Aquarium Fish Quintana atrizona in online stores.

Characteristics Aquarium Fish Quintana atrizona. Habitat Freshwater Fish. Length of fish Up To 5 Cm. Family Live-bearing fish (guppy, molly, platy, and swordtail). Body shape of fish Elongated. Compatibility With Small Peaceful Fish. Temperature of water Near 25°C. Layers of habitat in the aquarium Middle Layer, Top Layer. Color of fish Gold. Type of aquarium Close. Care level Moderate. Light needs Moderate. Temperament Calm. Bottom type in the aquarium Pebble, Coarse Sand. Minimum aquarium size Not Less Than 50 Liters.

catalog: Aquarium Fishes

Xiphophorus mayae
Xiphophorus mayae















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