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Aquarium Fish Sleeper Blue Dot Goby (Sixspot Goby) (Valenciennea sexguttata) (White) care, characteristics and PhotoLatin name: Valenciennea sexguttata
Aquarium Fish Sleeper Blue Dot Goby (Sixspot Goby) (Valenciennea sexguttata) care, characteristics and Photo care and growing:
Sleeper Blue Dot Goby (Sixspot Goby) characteristics and description:
You can buy Aquarium Fish Sleeper Blue Dot Goby (Sixspot Goby) in online stores.
Characteristics Aquarium Fish Sleeper Blue Dot Goby (Sixspot Goby). Compatibility With Any Peaceful Fish. Length of fish 10-20 Cm. Family Gobies. Type of aquarium Close, Open. Habitat Marine Fish (Sea Water). Temperament Calm. Layers of habitat in the aquarium Bottom Layer. Color of fish White. Body shape of fish Elongated. Care level Moderate. Minimum aquarium size Not Less Than 200 Liters. Temperature of water Near 25°C. Bottom type in the aquarium Coarse Sand, Coralreef. Light needs Scattered.
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