Aquarium sea fans Gorgonia Photo, care and characteristics, description and growing -

Aquarium sea fans Gorgonia care, characteristics and Photo

Aquarium sea fans Gorgonia  Photo; red
Aquarium sea fans Gorgonia  Photo; yellow

Aquarium sea fans Gorgonia care, characteristics and Photo

care and growing:

care levelmoderate
compatibility with plantscompatible
compatibility with marine invertscompatible
compatibility with fishescompatible
type of aquariumclosed
temperature of waternear 25°c
minimum aquarium sizenot less than 200 liters

Gorgonia sea fans characteristics and description:

color of sea coralred, yellow
maximum height30-50 cm
speciessea fans

You can buy sea fans Gorgonia in online stores.

Characteristics sea fans Gorgonia. Species sea fans. Minimum aquarium size not less than 200 liters. Maximum height 30-50 cm. Care level moderate. Color of sea coral red, yellow. Type of aquarium closed. Temperature of water near 25°c. Compatibility with marine inverts - compatible. Compatibility with fishes - compatible. Compatibility with plants - compatible.

catalog: Aquarium Sea Corals

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