House Plants Monkey Rope, Wild Grape, Rhoicissus Photo, care and characteristics, cultivation and growing -

House Plants Monkey Rope, Wild Grape (Rhoicissus) care, characteristics and Photo

Latin name: Rhoicissus

House Plants Monkey Rope, Wild Grape  (Rhoicissus) Photo; green
House Plants Monkey Rope, Wild Grape  (Rhoicissus) Photo; green

House Plants Monkey Rope, Wild Grape (Rhoicissus) care, characteristics and Photo

care, cultivation and growing:

growing complexityundemanding
frequency of wateringabundant
period of restno
air humiditymoist
location of plantbright room, east window, western window, north window
light needsshade, partial shade, bright ambient light

Monkey Rope, Wild Grape characteristics and description:

foliage colourgreen
type of stemcreeping
plant height (cm)higher 150 cm
plant typeshanging plant
leaf formoval
poisonous plantnot poisonous plant

You can buy Indoor Plants Monkey Rope, Wild Grape in online stores (seedlings, seed).

catalog: House Plants (Indoor Plants)

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Characteristics Indoor Plants Monkey Rope, Wild Grape. Plant height (cm) higher 150 cm. Leaf form oval. Plant types hanging plant. Type of stem creeping. Growing complexity undemanding. Foliage colour green. Frequency of watering abundant. Not poisonous plant. Air humidity moist. Light needs shade, partial shade, bright ambient light. Location of plant bright room, east window, western window, north window. Period of rest no.



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