omadused Kulla Tolmu Dracaena. Kasvav keerukus vähenõudlik. Lehtede kujul ovaalne. Jaama tüübid rohttaim. Õhuniiskus niiske. Taime kõrgus (cm) 30-50 cm. Puhkeaeg ei. Sagedus kasta mõõdukas. Ei mürgine taim. Tüüpi tüvirakke levib. Valguse vajadustele ereda ümbritseva valguse. Tehase asukoht eredas ruumis, põhja aknas. Lehestik värvi motley.
$14.89 ($4.96 / Ounce) Perky Plant | One Plant Donated for Every Bottle Sold | Water Soluble Organic House Plant Food Fertilizer | Formulated for Live Indoor House Plants | Simply Shake in Watering Can or Plant Pots
$15.95 Joyful Dirt Premium Concentrated All Purpose Organic Based Plant Food and Fertilizer. Easy Use Shaker (3 oz)
$14.97 Indoor Plant Food by Home + Tree - The Best Houseplant Fertilizer for Keeping Your Plants Green and Healthy - Every Bottle Sold Plants A Tree (8 oz.)
$23.09 SunGro Black Gold All Purpose Natural and Organic Potting Soil Fertilizer Mix for House Plants, Vegetables, Herbs and More, 1 Cubic Feet Bag