Možeš kupiti Akvarij Ribe Goodea u online trgovinama.
Karakteristike Akvarij Ribe Goodea. Kompatibilnost s malom mirnom ribe. Duljina ribe 5-10 cm. Obitelj splitfins. Vrsta akvarija blizu, otvorena. Stanište slatkovodna riba. Temperatura vode blizu 20°c. Slojevi staništa u akvariju srednji sloj, gornji sloj. Boja ribe srebro. Oblik tijela riba izdužena. Razina skrbi jednostavan. Minimalna veličina akvarija ne manje od 100 litara. Temperament smiren. Dno tipa u akvariju šljunak, grubog pijeska. Svjetlo potrebe umjeren.
$1,125.00 Midwest Tropical Fountain 25 Gallon Aqua Coffee Table Aquarium Tank
$52.64 Wemo F7C030fc Light Switch, WiFi enabled, Works with Alexa and the Google Assistant
$319.99 Landen 60H 30 Gallon Rimless Low Iron Aquarium Tank, 23.6" W × 17.7" D × 17.7" H (60cm x 45cm x 45cm) 8mm Thickness with Black Nano Foam Leveling mat Included 111006
$26.03 Aquarium of the Dead - Uncut Fassung, 1 Blu-ray
$55.00 Penn-Plax Castle Aquarium Decoration Hand Painted with Realistic Details Over 14.5 Inches High Part A
$18.99 PTFJZ Fish Tank Decorations-Hollow Tree Trunk Aquarium Decorations Disney Aquarium Decorations for Betta Hideout Caves Large Aquarium Décor Thematic Ornaments
$21.99 PINVNBY Natural Aquarium Driftwood Assorted Branches Reptile Ornament for Fish Tank Decoration Pack of 3
$18.45 Aquatic Creations SPORN Aquarium Decoration, Ancient Vase 2