Hægt er að kaupa Hygroryza Aristata í vefverslanir.
einkenni Hygroryza Aristata. Blaða stærð miðlungs. Mynd af álverinu creeper. Hæð plantna 10-30 cm. Umönnun stig auðvelt. Búsvæði ferskvatn plöntur. Plöntur. Hitastig vatns nálægt 20°c. Ljós þarfir meðallagi. Blaða form sporöskjulaga. Tegund af plöntu fljótandi á yfirborðinu. Blaða lit grænt. Lágmarks fiskabúr stærð ekki minna en 50 lítra.
$12.99 18" Plastic Water Plant for Aquarium Fish Tank Ornament, Rhodo Red
$14.99 Aquarium Decorations Plants with Rockery View, Pietypet 25pcs Aquarium Decor Plants and Rock Cave Hideout Ornaments, Fish Tank Accessories, Fish Tank Plants Plastic Decoration for Aquariums
$99.99 ZRDR CO2 Generator System Carbon Dioxide 2L with Dual Gauge Display Pressure Gauge Automatic Pressure Relief Valve Bubble Counter for Plants Aquarium, Stable Output
$694.95 CURRENT Orbit Marine IC Pro with Bluetooth 72"
$129.00 Allcolor Decorative Rocks.Aquarium Decoration Model (Cave of Gods)
$18.90 M2cbridge Antique Roman Column Ruins European Castle Aquarium Decorations Fish Tank Hideout Rocks (Roman Column Round)
$3.53 Fantasy Aquarium - Nintendo Wii
$9.99 HITOP Pets Plastic Plants for Fish Tank Decorations Large Artificial Aquarium Decor (Blue-White Tree)