einkenni garður blóm Roscoea. Skjól í vetur krefst geymsla. Blóm stærð stór. Ilmandi blóm engin ilm. Kalt kvæma svæði 7 (-18 að -12°c), 8 (-12 að -7°c), 9 (-7 að -1°c), 10 (-1 að +4°c). Hæð plantna (cm) 5-30 cm. Vatn þarfir meðallagi. Blóm lit fjólublátt, hvítur. Notkun landslag blóm rúm, landamæri, rokk garður. Tegund af stofni reisa. Tímasetning flóru ágúst, júlí. Ekki eitruð planta. Aðferð við ræktun ekki ungplöntur. Ævi ævarandi. Ljós þarfir hálf skugga, fullur sól. Frostþol. Hlutlaus jarðvegi. Clayey jarðvegi, sandy jarðvegi.
1,90 €
20,88 € (20,88 € / kg)
4,90 €
1,70 €
2,79 €
14,21 €
2,99 €
3,25 €
19,90 € (39,80 € / kg)
8,29 € (82,90 € / kg)
5,55 € (55,50 € / kg)
3,99 €
$8.99 ($8.99 / Count) Seed Needs, 300 Large Mammoth Grey Stripe Sunflower Seeds For Planting (Helianthus annuus) These Sun Flowers are Perfect for the Garden, Attracts Birds, Bees and Butterflies! BULK
$17.90 ($1.79 / Count) Caladium, Bulb, Fancy Mix, Pack of 10 (Ten), Easy to Grow, Colorful Mix, HOSTA
$9.95 Zombie Plant Seed Packets (2) - Unique Easter Egg Stuffer, Earth Day or Party Favor. "Plays Dead" When You Touch it! Comes with Ten Fun Ideas to Do with Your Zombie Plant
$5.99 ($0.01 / Count) "Painted Daisy" Flower Seeds, 1000 Heirloom Flower Seeds Per Packet, Non GMO Seeds, Isla's Garden Seeds
$5.99 ($0.01 / Count) 1400 English Lavender Seeds for Planting Indoors or Outdoors, 90% Germination, to Give You The Lavender Plant You Need, Non-GMO, Heirloom Herb Seeds