einkenni inni plöntur Duranta, Hunang Dropar, Gullna Dewdrop, Dúfur Berry. Planta hæð (cm) hærri 100 cm. Ilmandi blóm ilm. Tegund blóm tré. Blaða form sporöskjulaga. Hvíldartími ekki. Tegund af stofni reisa. Loftraki blautur. Ljós þarfir fullur sól. Staðsetning álversins austur glugga, vestur glugga. Sm lit grænt. Blóm lit ljósblátt, dökk blár, fjólublátt, hvítur. Tíðni vökva nóg. Tímasetning flóru sumar. Vaxandi flókið fyrir grower með einhverja reynslu. Ekki eitruð planta.
6,58 €
4,15 €
6,99 € (0,17 € / Stk)
28,76 € (28,76 € / l)
12,00 € (40,00 € / l)
6,14 €
8,50 € (8,50 € / l)
24,96 € (24,96 € / l)
3,72 €
12,49 € (16,65 € / 100 ml)
9,97 €
13,95 € (13,95 € / liter)
$21.99 Houseplant Resource Center Monstera Plant Food with NPK 5-2-3 Ratio – Liquid Formulation Supports Optimal Nutrient Dispersal and Balanced Nitrogen Response for Strong Root Growth
$12.46 Miracle-Gro Water Soluble All Purpose and Shake 'N Feed Plant Food Bundle: Feeds Flowers, Vegetables, Trees, and Houseplants
$13.99 Perfect Plants Liquid Money Tree Fertilizer | 8oz. of Premium Concentrated Indoor and Outdoor Pachira Aquatica Fertilizer | Use with Containerized Houseplant Money Trees
$15.99 Houseplant Probiotic
$29.95 Elm Dirt Plant Booster for All Plants (1 Bottle)
$9.95 ($1.24 / Fl Oz) Jessi Mae Indoor Plant Food Liquid Fertilizer, 1-1-1 NPK House Plant Fertilizer for Snake Plants, Peace Lilies and Pothos Plant, All Purpose Plant Food for Houseplants and Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree (8 oz)