einkenni Geogenanthus, Seersucker Planta. Planta hæð (cm) 30-50 cm. Tegundir plantna herbaceous planta. Blaða form sporöskjulaga. Tegund af stofni breiða. Hvíldartími ekki. Vaxandi flókið fyrir grower með einhverja reynslu. Tíðni vökva nóg. Sm lit motley. Staðsetning álversins austur glugga, vestur glugga. Ljós þarfir björt umlykur ljós. Loftraki blautur. Ekki eitruð planta.
6,58 €
11,99 €
12,00 € (40,00 € / l)
13,95 € (0,70 € / l)
19,99 €
3,72 €
44,95 €
8,65 € (8,65 € / l)
14,57 € (0,36 € / stück)
4,29 € (1,07 € / l)
5,49 €
1,44 € (45,00 € / l)
$15.95 Joyful Dirt Premium Concentrated All Purpose Organic Based Plant Food and Fertilizer. Easy Use Shaker (3 oz)
$23.99 ($3.00 / oz) Houseplant Resource Center Plant Leaf Armor – Leaf Shine and Indoor Plant Cleaner Spray – Fortifies and Protects Indoor Plants and Keeps Leaves Green & Gorgeous
$12.46 Miracle-Gro Water Soluble All Purpose and Shake 'N Feed Plant Food Bundle: Feeds Flowers, Vegetables, Trees, and Houseplants
$13.99 Perfect Plants Liquid Money Tree Fertilizer | 8oz. of Premium Concentrated Indoor and Outdoor Pachira Aquatica Fertilizer | Use with Containerized Houseplant Money Trees
$16.23 Plants for Pets Live Bromeliad Plant, Cryptanthus Bivittatus Bromeliads, Potted Houseplants with Planter Pot, Perennial Plants for Home Décor or Outdoor Garden, Fully Rooted in Potting Soil
$8.75 House Plant Fertilizer - Complete Slow Release Formula + Micro Nutrients by PowerGrow - Feeds Houseplants for 8 Months and Includes Over a Year Supply (6oz (1 House Plant Fertilizer Bag))