einkenni inni plöntur Gúmmí Tré. Hvíldartími ekki. Tegundir plantna tré. Blaða form sporöskjulaga. Staðsetning álversins austur glugga, vestur glugga. Planta hæð (cm) hærri 150 cm. Ekki eitruð planta. Tíðni vökva meðallagi. Sm lit grænt. Tegund af stofni reisa. Ljós þarfir björt umlykur ljós. Loftraki rök. Vaxandi flókið auðvelt.
6,58 €
11,99 €
4,15 €
6,99 € (0,17 € / Stk)
9,95 € (39,80 € / Liter)
19,99 €
8,50 € (8,50 € / l)
10,49 € (0,52 € / Stäbchen)
6,99 € (13,98 € / l)
20,57 €
5,90 € (11,80 € / l)
12,95 €
$21.99 Purived Liquid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants | 20oz Concentrate | Makes 50 Gallons | All-Purpose Liquid Plant Food for Potted Houseplants | All-Natural | Groundwater Safe | Easy to Use | Made in USA
$13.99 Perfect Plants Liquid Money Tree Fertilizer | 8oz. of Premium Concentrated Indoor and Outdoor Pachira Aquatica Fertilizer | Use with Containerized Houseplant Money Trees
$13.98 ($0.58 / Ounce) Earth's Ally 3-in-1 Plant Spray | Insecticide, Fungicide & Spider Mite Control, Use on Indoor Houseplants and Outdoor Plants, Gardens & Trees - Insect & Pest Repellent & Antifungal Treatment, 24oz
$4.59 Schultz All Purpose Liquid Plant Food 10-15-10, 4 oz
$13.97 Organic Monstera Plant Food - Liquid Fertilizer for Indoor and Outdoor Monstera Plants - for Healthy Tropical Leaves and Steady Growth (8 oz)