kjennetegn Innendørs Planter Sypress. Plantehøyde (cm) høyere 150 cm. Plantetyper treet. Bladform acicular. Type stem oppføre. Periode med hvile nei. Økende kompleksiteten for dyrkeren med litt erfaring. Hyppigheten av vanning moderat. Løvverk farge mørk grønn, lysegrønn. Plasseringen av anlegget øst vindu, western vindu. Lette behov full sol. Luftfuktighet våt. Ikke giftig plante.
11,99 €
11,90 €
14,99 € (14,99 € / Liter)
3,72 €
10,49 € (0,52 € / Stäbchen)
5,70 € (7,92 € / l)
20,99 € (17,49 € / KG)
19,90 €
12,89 € (9,15 € / kg)
10,99 €
5,21 € (10,42 € / l)
6,30 € (12,60 € / l)
$22.99 Indoor Plant Food: All-Purpose Ready-to-use Fertilizer for houseplants. 8 Liquid Ounces. Great for Your pothos, Peace Lily, Spider Plant, Ferns, Palms, ficus, African Violets, Cactus and More!
$5.25 Jobes Houseplant Food Spikes (1) (Multi)
$23.99 ($3.00 / in) Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Plant Food for Ficus Lyrata (and Ficus Audrey) – Calcium Fortified, Urea-Free and with NPK Ratio of 3-1-2 for Healthy Roots, Stems and Leaves (8 Ounces))
$15.99 Houseplant Probiotic
$23.94 Miracle-Gro Blooming Houseplant Food, Plant Fertilizer, 8 oz. (6-Pack)
$8.75 House Plant Fertilizer - Complete Slow Release Formula + Micro Nutrients by PowerGrow - Feeds Houseplants for 8 Months and Includes Over a Year Supply (6oz (1 House Plant Fertilizer Bag))