kjennetegn Innendørs Planter Drimiopsis. Periode med hvile ja. Plantetyper urteaktig plante. Bladform lineær. Plasseringen av anlegget øst vindu, western vindu. Plantehøyde (cm) 30-50 cm. Økende kompleksiteten for dyrkeren med litt erfaring. Hyppigheten av vanning rikelig. Løvverk farge motley. Type stem sprer seg. Lette behov lyse omgivelseslys. Luftfuktighet fuktig. Ikke giftig plante.
14,95 € (29,90 € / l)
11,99 €
6,16 € (24,64 € / l)
19,99 €
8,50 € (8,50 € / l)
24,96 € (24,96 € / l)
12,49 € (16,65 € / 100 ml)
6,99 € (13,98 € / l)
20,99 € (17,49 € / KG)
5,35 €
7,99 € (15,98 € / l)
39,95 € (6,66 € / stück)
$11.49 Indoor Plant Food, All-Purpose Organic Plant Food and Fertilizer, NutriDense (5oz) by Humane [NPK 6-4-3]
$7.99 Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food 6-2-4 | Liquid Houseplant Fig Tree | Bottle Lasts Twice as Long as Other competitors
$16.20 Miracle-Gro Tropical Houseplant Food - Liquid Fertilizer for Tropical Houseplants, 8 fl. oz.
$10.19 Bayer Advanced Insect Control Plus Fertilizer Plant Spike 8-11-5 Spike
$18.95 Liquid Love - All Purpose Liquid Fertilizer by GS Plant Foods (32 oz) - Natural Fertilizer for Vegetables, Herb Gardens, House Plants, Fruit Trees, Lawns & Shrubs
$14.95 Emily's Naturals Neem Oil Plant Spray Kit, Makes 48oz | Natural Spray for Garden and House Plants | Safe and Biodegradable