kjennetegn Innendørs Planter Vandrende Jøde. Plantehøyde (cm) 30-50 cm. Bladform oval. Plantetyper hengende plante. Type stem snikende. Økende kompleksiteten lite krevende. Løvverk farge motley. Hyppigheten av vanning moderat. Ikke giftig plante. Luftfuktighet fuktig. Lette behov delvis skygge, lyse omgivelseslys. Plasseringen av anlegget lyst rom, øst vindu, nord vindu. Periode med hvile nei.
11,99 €
4,15 €
9,95 € (39,80 € / Liter)
24,96 € (24,96 € / l)
12,49 € (16,65 € / 100 ml)
10,49 € (0,52 € / Stäbchen)
9,97 €
44,95 €
20,57 €
5,21 € (10,42 € / l)
1,44 € (45,00 € / l)
6,74 € (224,67 € / l)
$15.95 Joyful Dirt Organic Based Premium Concentrated House Plant Food and Fertilizer. Easy Use Shaker (3 oz)
$10.00 Houseplant Fertilizer & Indoor Plant Food | Self-Dissolving Tablets | Make Feeding Your Plants a Breeze | Instant Plant Food (2 Tablets)
$13.99 Perfect Plants Liquid Indoor Plant Food | 8oz. of Concentrated All-Purpose Fertilizer | Use with All Varieties of Houseplants
$39.95 Liqui-Dirt Nano Powder All-Purpose Organic Complete Plant Food for Indoor or Outdoor Use (Makes over 50 gallons) 18 Balanced Super Foods -Balanced Blend of Vitamins Minerals Micro-Fungi and Bio-Organisms
$13.98 ($0.58 / Ounce) Earth's Ally 3-in-1 Plant Spray | Insecticide, Fungicide & Spider Mite Control, Use on Indoor Houseplants and Outdoor Plants, Gardens & Trees - Insect & Pest Repellent & Antifungal Treatment, 24oz
$23.09 SunGro Black Gold All Purpose Natural and Organic Potting Soil Fertilizer Mix for House Plants, Vegetables, Herbs and More, 1 Cubic Feet Bag