Poti cumpara Cip Choc (Buton) Stea De Mare în magazine online.
caracteristicile Cip Choc (Buton) Stea De Mare. Specie stele de mare. Dimensiunea minimă acvariu nu mai puțin de 400 de litri. Dimensiunea maximă mai mult decât 20 cm. Nivelul de ingrijire ușor. Culoarea invertit marine dungi, transparent, gri, albastru deschis, albastru, roșu. Tip de acvariu închide. Temperatura apei aproape 25°c. Recif compatibil - incompatibil. Compatibilitatea cu pesti - compatibil. Compatibilitatea cu plante acvatice - compatibil.
$236.00 EcoSmart ECO 11 Electric Tankless Water Heater, 13KW at 240 Volts with Patented Self Modulating Technology
$29.99 Aquarium Corals: Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History: Selection, Husbandry and Natural History
$17.98 EVIWILL 16 Pieces Aquarium Decorations Coral Castle Fish Tank Decorations Accessories Betta Fish Cave Hideout Barrel Plastic Plants Artificial Starfish Ornament Anemone Multi-colored MJ210420
$49.00 Explore the Royal Botanical Gardens of Sydney
$21.99 Frienda 8 Pieces Glowing Fish Tank Decorations Plants with 2 Style Glowing Kelp, Sea Anemone, Simulation Coral, Jellyfish, Lotus Leaf, Mushroom for Aquarium Fish Tank Glow Ornament
$17.64 Sticker Studio: Arcana: A Sticker Gallery of Vintage Ephemera