caracteristicile Gradina Flori Rydberg Twinpod, Dublu Bladderpod. Adăpost în timpul iernii necesită adăpost. Dimensiune floare mijloc. Floare parfumat nici parfum. Zona rezistenta la rece 10 (-1 la +4°c), 9 (-7 la -1°c), 8 (-12 la -7°c), 7 (-18 la -12°c), 6 (-23 la -18°c). Înălțime de plante (cm) 5-30 cm. Metoda de cultivare non răsaduri. Flori de culoare galben, liliac. Utilizare peisaj gradina de rock. Tip de stem cățărătoare. Calendarul de înflorire iunie, primăvară. Nu planta otravitoare. Necesarul de apă scăzut. Viata peren. Are nevoie de lumina plin soare. Rezistența la îngheț. Sol alcalin, sol neutru. Nisip.
19,90 € (1,99 € / stück)
1,90 €
2,01 €
2,99 €
8,99 € (0,09 € / quadratmeter)
18,95 €
7,19 € (71,90 € / kg)
3,95 € (0,03 € / stück)
19,90 € (39,80 € / kg)
49,95 € (9,99 € / l)
17,40 € (17,40 € / liter)
3,99 €
$19.99 Paint & Plant Flower Growing Kit for Kids - Best Birthday Crafts Gifts for Girls & Boys Age 4, 5, 6, 7, 8-12 Year Old Girl Christmas Gift - Childrens Gardening Kits, Art Projects Toys for Ages 4-12
$24.99 Little Planters Paint & Grow Fairy Garden with Real Flowers and Magical Fairies - Paint, Plant and Grow Morning Glory, Marigold and Alyssum Flowers - Craft Kit for Kids All Ages Both Girls and Boys
$6.99 ($0.07 / Count) Sunflower Seeds for Planting - to Plant Mammoth Sunflower Seeds - Packet of About 100 Flower Seeds!
$23.52 Costa Farms Peace Lily, Spathiphyllum, Live Indoor Plant, in White Cylinder Pot, 15-Inch, Great Gift