caracteristicile Gradina Flori Carline Stemless. Adăpost în timpul iernii adăpost nu este necesară. Dimensiune floare mare. Floare parfumat nici parfum. Zona rezistenta la rece 5 (-29 la -23°c), 6 (-23 la -18°c), 7 (-18 la -12°c), 8 (-12 la -7°c), 9 (-7 la -1°c), 10 (-1 la +4°c). Înălțime de plante (cm) 5-30 cm. Necesarul de apă moderat. Flori de culoare alb. Utilizare peisaj specimen, gradina de rock. Tip de stem ridica. Calendarul de înflorire toamnă, august, iulie. Nu planta otravitoare. Metoda de cultivare non răsaduri. Viata peren. Are nevoie de lumina plin soare. Rezistența la îngheț. Sol neutru. Lut nisipos.
19,90 € (1,99 € / stück)
1,99 € (0,03 € / stück)
2,07 €
1,70 €
2,79 €
19,95 € (2,00 € / stück)
6,35 € (1,06 € / stück)
8,99 € (0,45 € / quadratmeter)
2,36 € (236,00 € / kg)
24,95 € (2,08 € / stück)
2,95 € (2,95 € / stück)
12,95 € (103,60 € / kg)
$7.97 ($0.00 / Count) Wildflower Seeds Butterfly and Humming Bird Mix - Large 1 Ounce Packet 7,500+ Seeds - 23 Open Pollinated Annual and Perennial Species
$5.99 Sow Right Seeds - Mammoth Sunflower Seeds to Plant and Grow Giant Sun Flowers in Your Garden.; Non-GMO Heirloom Seeds; Full Instructions for Planting; Wonderful Gardening Gifts (1)
$9.95 Zombie Plant Seed Packets (2) - Unique Easter Egg Stuffer, Earth Day or Party Favor. "Plays Dead" When You Touch it! Comes with Ten Fun Ideas to Do with Your Zombie Plant
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