caracteristicile Turcii Cap Cactus. Înălțimea plantelor (cm) inferioare 30 cm. Tipuri de plante desert cactus. Complexitate în creștere pentru cultivator cu ceva experiență. Frecvența de udare rar. Flori de culoare roz. Culoare plantă verde inchis. Locul de amplasare a cactus sau suculente fereastră de vest, fereastra de sud. Are nevoie de lumina plin soare. Calendarul de înflorire vară, primăvară. Umiditatea aerului uscat. Formă de suculente sau cactus sferic.
14,99 €
16,90 €
14,99 €
32,99 €
7,95 €
17,78 € (17,78 € / kg)
8,97 € (35,88 € / Liter)
16,95 €
7,99 € (1,14 € / l)
2,79 €
7,95 € (31,80 € / Liter)
6,27 € (25,08 € / l)
$11.03 Schultz Cactus and All Purpose Liquid Plant Food Gardening Kit: 2 Items - 4 ounces each.
$18.99 Miracle-Gro Cactus, Palm & Citrus Potting Mix and Succulent Plant Food - Bundle of Potting Soil (8 qt.) and Liquid Plant Food (8 oz.) for Growing and Fertilizing Indoor Succulents
$15.99 Succulent Fertilizer | Formulated Succulent Food for Potted Indoor Succulents and Cactus | Plant Food for Succulent Soil in Pots | by Aquatic Arts
$34.97 Liquid Soil Loosener- Soil Conditioner-Use alone or when Aerating with Mechanical Aerator or Core Aeration- Simple Lawn Solutions- Any Grass Type-Great for Compact Soils, Standing water, Poor Drainage
$34.99 Miracle-Gro Foaming Succulent Plant Food, 8 oz (6 Pack)
$8.34 Bonide BND925 - Bontone II Rooting Powder, Hormone Root Fertilizer 1.25 Oz