Search: Flowering Shrubs and Trees
 White Forsythia, Korean Abelia
 Japanese angelica tree
 Spindle tree
 Spike Heath
 Butterfly Bush, Summer Lilac
 Buttonbush, Honey Bells, Honeyball, Button Willow
 Tamarisk, Athel tree, Salt Cedar
 Irish Heath, St. Dabeoc's Heath
 Blackberry, Bramble
 Common honeysuckle
 Sweet Shrub, Carolina Allspice, Strawberry Shrub, Bubby Bush, Sweet Betsy
 Japanese Kerria, Japanese Rose, Easter Rose
 Sweet pepper bush, Summersweet
 Bladder senna
 Californian Lilac
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colorful gardens (monochrome gardens)
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Garden Flowers, Ornamental Plants