značilnosti Cvetenja Tobak. Višina rastline (cm) od 30 do 70 cm. Velikost cvetja srédnja. Prisotnost vonja je vonj. Tip stebla pokončni. Zavetje za zimo ne potrebuje zavetje. Življenjska doba letni. Barva cvetja vino, lila, roza, vijolična, rumena, rdeča, bela. Uporaba rastlin v krajinsko oblikovanje gredica, robnik. Čas cvetenja avgust, julij, junij. Položaj na sonce sonce. Vlažnost tal zmerna. Način rasta sadik. Ne strupna rastlina/ne toksična rastlina. Hladno odporno. Nevtralna. Peščena ilovica, ilovica.
$13.19 ($0.00 / Count) Package of 80,000 Wildflower Seeds - Hummingbird and Butterfly Wild Flower Seeds Collection - 23 Varieties of Pure Non-GMO Flower Seeds for Planting Including Milkweed, Nasturtium, and Forget Me Not
$8.99 ($8.99 / Count) Seed Needs, 300 Large Mammoth Grey Stripe Sunflower Seeds For Planting (Helianthus annuus) These Sun Flowers are Perfect for the Garden, Attracts Birds, Bees and Butterflies! BULK
$19.99 ($5.00 / Ounce) 170,000 Wildflower Seeds, 1/4 lb, 35 Varieties of Flower Seeds, Mix of Annual and Perennial Seeds for Planting, Attract Butterflies and Hummingbirds, Non-GMO…
$8.85 ($0.09 / Count) Seed Needs, Cherry Rose Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Twin Pack of 50 Seeds Each