značilnosti Okrasne grmičevje in drevesa Blazine Bush. Uporaba rastlin v krajinsko oblikovanje solitaire. Zavetje za zimo notranje skladiščenje. Hitrost rasti grma ali drevesa srednja hitrost. Ne strupna rastlina/ne toksična rastlina. Višina rastline (cm) od 50 do 100 cm. Cone hladne odpornosti 10 (od -1 do +4oC), 9 (od -7 do -1oC). Položaj na sonce sonce. Vlažnost tal suha. Barva listov zlato. Ne hladno odporno. Nevtralna, kisla. Peščena ilovica, pesek.
9,99 €
7,99 €
24,99 €
12,95 €
27,95 €
4,99 €
10,99 €
84,48 €
59,00 €
11,94 € (11,94 € / l)
40,99 € (13,66 € / kg)
104,99 €
$45.47 Dwarf Burford Holly (2.4 Gallon) Compact Evergreen Shrub with Glossy Green Foliage - Full Sun Live Outdoor Plant…
$16.71 4.5 in. qt. Sprinter Boxwood (Buxus) Live Evergreen Shrub, Green Foliage
$46.98 Sunshine Ligustrum (3 Gallon) Evergreen Shrub with Bright Yellow Foliage - Full Sun Live Outdoor Plant - Southern Living Plants
$49.97 Silver Mist Deodar Cedar - Dwarf Shrub With White-Tipped Leaves - 3 -Year Live Plant
$36.98 Purple Diamond Loropetalum (2 Gallon) Flowering Evergreen Shrub with Purple Foliage and Pink Blooms - Full Sun to Part Shade Live Outdoor Plant - Southern Living Plants…
$151.29 Jobe's 02610 Fertilizer Spikes Tree and Shrub, 160 Count, Brown